Mistrealm Minecraft Server


2025-02-15 The struggles with lag continue. I am looking at recoding one or more of the plugins to be multiuser friendly. Alternatively, there could simply be too many worlds, or the main world is simply too large for the server to handle.
2025-01-13 Updating to paper 1.21.4, will need to update each world version, and check to see if the lag spikes continue.
2024-12-15 Every few minutes there is a massive burst of lag. If I get that figured out, I will send out a "grand opening" announcement. Until then, expect the server to be off more than it is on.
2024-11-11 We are bringing the server up to 1.21.1. If you are using a more recent client, 1.21.3 for example, you will also be able to connect. The server will be up and down as this process goes on.
Q: What plugins are running on the server?
A:[2021-06-12 8:00 INFO]: Plugins (21):
Dynmap Grief Prevention,
Mistmine aka HelloBukkit,

Useful Links

Admincraft page at Reddit
Altitude features and effects by height
Data Values
Download link
Dynamp Commands
Minecraft forums
Minecraft page at Reddit
More links
Tired of living like a mole?
Ores from Layer 0-16 in 1.3.2
Potion brewing guide
Spigot Plugin Development

Minecraft server administrator can be reached at mcadmin@mistrealm.com
Q: How old is the server?
A: Parts of the server are merged in from even older maps, but here is the first server log entry I could find:

"2011-02-27 15:39:43 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version Beta 1.3"

This screen shot is from a few months later, 4-28-2011
Q: What version of Minecraft is running on the server?
A: Minecraft 1.21.1
Q: What version do I need to connect?
A: We are using mods that should allow older and newer clients to connect. Try it and find out.
Q: Do you post announcements or updates, and if so, where?
A: Rarely, but either here, Discord, Facebook, or Steam. Announcements can sometimes be seen on the server itself.
Q: Are your world maps online?
A: We are using Dynmap to generate world maps. They will only be up when the server is running.
Q: How much disk space does your server take?
A: The Minecraft installation takes up 231GB, but that includes several archives and the dynmap images files
Q: I am actually looking for the official Minecraft website?
A: Official Links
Minecraft.net home site
Mojang for news and updates

Q: What server software are you using?
A1: Waterfall-1.19-527 Waterfall-1.20-536 Waterfall is a front end that manages multiple back end versions and instances of Minecraft.
A2: BungeeCord 1708 1.19. BungeeCord 1709 1.20. BungeeCord is the Spigot flavor of a front end instance manager. You only need one front end manager, BungeeCord, Velocity, or Waterfall, and only if you are managing multiple server instances.
A1: Velocity 3.4.0-473 is a high-performance Minecraft proxy. In theory this front end can handle 500+ players at once.
A2: We are using paper-1.21.4-177 aka Paperclip to run the servers. Paper is a stable, high performance minecraft server.
A5: Spigot 1.19.4 Spigot 1.20.0 Spigot updates first, and will often have the most recent fixes and features. (spigot, bukkit changelogs)
Spigot is built with:
A6: BuildTools 156 link.
Buildtools is software that allows you to build current versions of Spigot. How to use Buildtools

Active Plugins

DiscordSRV 1.29.0 is a powerful, configurable, open-source Discord to Minecraft bridging plugin available.

Plugin Website

Dynmap-3.7-beta-8 Dynamic 'Google Maps' style web maps for your Spigot/Bukkit server

It is nice to be able to see what the world looks like, see where people have built things at, or find the perfect place where people have not yet built, so you can find the perfect location for your dream base.

Reddit forum link here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Dynmap/

Mistmine map can be found here

Direct download links: https://dynmap.us/builds/dynmap or https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/dynmap

Gitub link: https://github.com/webbukkit/dynmap
Wiki commands

Developer: mikeprimm
Dynmap-GriefPrevention v0.88
This plugin will add any land claims from the GriefPrevention plugin and marks them on Dynmap
GriefPrevention 16.18.4 will solve your grief problems without a roster of trained administrators, without 10 different anti-grief plugins, and without disabling any standard game features. Because Grief Prevention teaches players for you, you won't have to publish a training manual or tutorial for players, or add explanatory signs to your world.

Developer: Big_Scary

We did have this mod disabled to allow easier cooprative builds, but the ability of this mod to protect your houses from creepers and endermen is priceless. I would suggest just not protecting your shared territory until you are ready.
We stand on the shoulders of giants. Thank you to all you wonderful coders who put useful code examples on the web! Added commands: hello, mmback, mmbed, and others

Graves. When players die, the server digs a grave at that location, and stores their stuff in chests. The player can return to that location, and loot their gear.

Faster Rail. If you create a sign next to a rail that has "[Speed Limit]" on the first line, and a number from 0.0 to 75 on the second line, it will set the minecart top speed. 1.0 is the default top speed. If you corner faster than "1", you may fly off the track. You can reduce the speed to 1 with a sign, turn the corner, and increase the speed again after that. This feature does not change your current speed, but you can use powered rails or slopes to get to top speed.

Note, speed limit signs need to be at least 1 block apart to work

Storage. If you create a sign with the word "[Storage]" on the first line, you can store and retrieve items. Left click on the sign with any stackable item to store all you have in inventory. Right click on the sign to pull the items out.

Teleporting. This mod also handles the /mmbed command (return where you last slept. If you do the /mmbed, it also sets your last location, so you can /mmback to return there.
You can also /mmset a location and /mmback will return there instead.

Planeshift. We also have simple world transfer, just type /world to go to the current main world, or you can visit other worlds (/nexus for instance).
LuckPerms v5.4.154 is an advanced permissions implementation aiming to be a fast, reliable and flexible alternative to existing permission plugins. The project's main goals are centered around high performance and a wide feature set, filling the gaps of functionality and building upon existing features found in other plugins. LuckPerms also includes an extensive API for developers, and support for a variety of Minecraft server software & data storage options.

Developer: luck
Multiverse-core-4.3.14 : A world management solution that allows us to work with multiple worlds using different generators, and set up nifty portals to connect them.

Frequently Asked Questions:

They also run a Discord server. The permanent server invite url: https://discord.gg/NZtfKky

Maintainer: dumptruckman
Author: fernferret, Rigby90
Contributors: lithium3141, main_
Status: Working
Multiverse-netherportals-4.2.3 : Allow a nether for each world.
Several worlds are set up so that a nether portal should go to a specific world.
Multiverse-portals-4.2.3 : More complex but powerful portal options. Make your portal out of anything, in any shape, and set it to take you to any destination. This is a cool feature, but we don't do a lot with it.
Multiverse-signportals-4.3.0 : This mod allows you to create teleport signs. This works very well, and allows quick access to destinations all over the server.
PlugManX v2.4.1 is a simple, easy to use plugin that lets server admins manage plugins from either in-game or console without the need to restart the server.

PlugManX is a more current fork of the PlugMan mod.

Contributors: rylinaux
ViaVersion-5.2.1 allows newer client versions to connect to older server versions. An example would be a 1.21.3 client connecting while the server is running 1.21.1.
ViaBackwards-5.2.1 allows older versions to connect to your Minecraft server. This seems to be more useful that I originally thought, as VR clients can lag behind cutting edge.
ViaRewind-4.0.4 is an addon for ViaVersion (and ViaBackwards). It allows 1.7.x and 1.8.x to connect to your server. I don't know if anyone is using these older clients, but it is easy to leave this plugin active.
VoidGen 2.2.2
Create custom void worlds with a powerful and lightweight generator system that allows you to add countless empty worlds. Empty worlds are more useful than you might think.
developer: Hx64
VoidTeleport 2.4.5 will teleport players to safety when they fall into the void.
developer: EndlessTeamwork
WorldBorder v2.1.5 is intended to efficiently provide a border for each of your worlds, which only people granted special bypass access are allowed beyond. These borders can be round/elliptic or square/rectangular. As the plugin has been written with performance as the most important goal, it should have a minimal impact on your server.
Worldedit-bukkit-7.3.11-7032 is an in-game world editor for Minecraft. This tool is only available for admins, mods, and operators


Me4502 and friends are obviously brilliant. Kudos!
Developer: Me4502 maddy miller (and others)

Worldedit commands: https://worldedit.enginehub.org/en/latest/commands/
Worldguard-bukkit-7.0.14-2329 is a powerful plugin providing (1) area-specific protection, (2) world protection, (3) additional game rules, (4) blacklisting, and (5) various utilities. This tool is only available for operators.


Developer: Me4502 maddy miller